The Youth participating in our D-NOW Weekend which was January 17-19, 2020
Who We Are
We are a local gathering of believers that is intentionally involved in our community so that we may reach the lost with the Gospel and equip individuals to live out their relationship with Christ in everyday life. Our primary objective is to share that our God through His mercy and grace provided a way for all mankind to be made worthy of spending eternity with Him. We help people realize a saving personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to the directive Jesus Christ gave His followers recorded in the book of Matthew, the 28th chapter: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Our church is dedicated to discipling our community and the world. We accomplish this through praying, gathering, and going. We pray because we are dependent upon the Spirit’s work in our lives to accomplish the mission God has for us. We gather to worship, teach God’s Word, and equip one another to continue the work God has given us to do. And we go by serving one another, reaching the lost in our community, and going outside our community as God lead us, all for the sake of being the hands and feet of Jesus and making His Gospel known! We trust that every believer in Christ is created in the image of God and is uniquely gifted by Him to play a part in this work. FBC Leroy is a group of people making disciples by pouring our lives into others so we can together become mature followers of Christ. In the process, our lives reflect the love of Jesus while we minister to the needs of our congregation, our community, and all nations of the world as God sends us.
Our Values
PRIORITY OF THE GOSPEL — The Gospel is the driving force for all that we do! DEPENDENCE ON THE SPIRIT — We believe that without this Spirit nothing we do will succeed! PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS — Every believer is called and equipped to do the work of ministry according to his or her giftedness! DISCIPLE-MAKING — One thing we know we ought to be doing! Everything we do is just a tool to help us accomplish the mission of making disciples to the ends of the earth!
Young Adults that participated in our church mission trip to Puerto Rico.
Our Vision
To become a Disciple-Making force in our region by sending out believers to do the work of ministry by reaching our community and going into other areas to share the Gospel!
Youth Group setting up to feed the homeless in Mobile for Thanksgiving.